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Return of Moi-Like Iron Fist Rule, Uhuru’s Twilight Alarm

As the term of President Uhuru Kenyatta approaches the end, he is not leaving anything to chance. In politics, there are no coincidences. The detention of Judges Aggrey Muchelule and Said Chitembwe coincided with the arrest of Mathira MP Rigathi Gachagua.

Uhuru is proving to be the real political progeny of former president Daniel Toroitich Arap Moi. True to Moi’s words, KANU might rule for 100 years and will do so in so many forms depending with the circumstances.

The return of the hyped ‘kamata kamata Friday’ is an indication that Uhuru will be more ruthless in dealing with dissenting voices in his last moments in office. 

Judiciary is among the three arms of government. The other two are the Executive and Parliament. An MP cannot be arrested at the precincts of Parliament. DCI detectives stormed the judges’ chambers and arrested them on the basis of speculation.

Justices Muchelule and Chitembwe were arrested on Thursday outside their chambers. Muchelule was among the judges, who the president rejected to promote due to ‘integrity issue’. In June 2021 President Uhuru Kenyatta appointed 34 judges out of the 41 that were recommended by JSC.

Gachagua was arrested by DCI sleuths over alleged kshs.12 billion scandals on Friday morning. The source of the wealth of the Mathira lawmaker has been in doubt. It is purported that he became an instant billionaire overnight. 

He registered about 49 companies that were used to win several tenders valued at approximately Kshs.12 billion. Days before his arrest, he had denied involvement in any corrupt deals and said that he started doing business more than 40 years ago. 

“I’m a prudent businessman; I started doing business 40 years ago. At the university we used to get Ksh.2600 as boom. I would organize discos and pick half of the money from these guys. I had a car and a factory for sweets,” Gachagua stated on 20th July 2021.

Gachagua stated that his arrest had nothing to do with corruption, but linked to the recently concluded mini polls in Kiambaa constituency where a UDA candidate emerged victorious to the chagrin of Jubilee mandarins.

The firebrand Mathira legislator was among the allies of deputy president William Ruto who pitched tents in Kiambaa to campaign for John Njuguna AKA Ka-Wanjiku of UDA Party. 

Before entering politics, Gachagua used work in the provincial administration. He was allegedly used by former president Moi to displace Kenyans living in Molo and Burnt forest in the 90s.

Just recently, veteran criminal lawyer Dr. John Khaminwa alleged that he was being trailed by unknown individuals shortly after his legal representation against the State-driven BBI case at the Appellate Court.

Khaminwa was so vocal in castigating the government over its decision to amend the Constitution of Kenya through dubious means.


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