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9 Ways of Writing Killer Headlines That Attract More Traffic

Have you ever imagined why your blog posts attract fewer clicks? This might be as a result of poor headline. Below are some of the ways of writing a magnetic headline that would attract thousands of clicks.

1. How to [blank] that [blank]

a) How to Write an Article That Attracts Thousands of Clicks

b) How to Woo a Lady That Doesn’t Like You

2. Here is a Method That is Helping [blank]

a) Here is a Method That is Helping Bloggers Write Better Post Titles

b) Here is a Method That is Helping Entrepreneurs Make More Money

3. What Everybody Ought to Know About [blank]

a) What Everybody Ought to Know About Writing Great Headlines

b) What Everybody Ought to Know About US President Joe Biden

4. Little Known Ways to [blank]

a) Little Known Ways to Write Better Blog Articles

b) Little Known Ways to Win a Woman’s Heart

5. Here is a Quick Way to [blank]

a) Here is a Quick Way to become Rich without much Struggle

b) Here is a Quick Way to Overcome Stress

6. Here is a Method That is Helping [blank]

a) Here is a Method That is Helping Cancer Victims overcome Stress

b) Here is a Method That is Helping Bloggers Write Better Post Titles

7. Now You Can [blank]

a) Now You Can Write Killer Headline and Make More Money

b) Now You Can Get Covid-19 Vaccine and Travel Without Mask

8. Give me [blank] and I will Give You [blank]

a) Give me 2 Minutes and I will Show You How to Attract More Clicks 

9. See How Easily you Can [blank]

a) See How Easily you Can Earn Money with our investment Plans

b) See How Easily you Can Increase your Web Traffic

After you are through with my article you can monetize your blog with high paying sites such as Google Adsense, RevenueHits or PropellerAds.


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