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Fatal end of KCPE era as nostalgic moments echoed

  Photo Source : Citizen TV Kenya education system exits the phase of the 8-4-4 curriculum as its last cohorts started their final primary school examination on October 30. The government of Kenya during the tenure of Uhuru Kenyatta as the president started a Competence Based Curriculum (CBC) to replace the 8-4-4 one. Last year, the pioneer CBC class sat their Grade 6 examination, which saw them transition to Junior Secondary at Grade 7. The outgoing curriculum was first introduced by the then president Daniel Arap Moi in 1985.  Exam Nostalgia Many Kenyans who underwent through the 8-4-4 system will live to recall the nostalgic moments that came with events leading to the eve of the exam moments. Exam fever amidst anxiety occasionally clouded the minds of most candidates. Candidates normally held special prayers ahead of the exam sessions. KCPE times were the only other moments that subjected most candidates to spiritual nourishment. President William Ruto, Education Cabinet Secretary

Human Brain-Like Chip that process images 22-times faster

  Giant tech IBM has developed a powerful AI-powered chip with the ability to process images 22 times faster than the one that's currently in the market. According to IBM report, the chip architecture is based on a faster and energy efficient AI. Semiconductors play vital roles in nearly everything ranging from computing, to other electronic appliances, to communication gadgets, transportation systems, and even the critical infrastructure. The era of AI, Cloud Computing and Internet of Things has seen the rise of chip performance and energy efficiency. IBM researchers have created a computer chip, christened as NorthPole, that integrates the data it uses and the processing module. The research team confided that their study was inspired by the way human brain functions. The chip accomplishes its task by deploying a 2-dimensional array of memory blocks and interconnected CPUs. The architecture permits the computing cores to communicate directly with distant blocks in an easier way

How a Semiconductor formed the basis of modern-age Computing

  Semiconductors are substances that exhibit both electrical conductivity and electrical non-conductivity. How useful is a Semiconductor? They are mostly deployed in computers among other electronic appliances. They are an important component of electronic devices owing to their ability to control and manage the flow of an electric current. Semiconductors can be compounds like gallium arsenide, or pure elements like silicon or germanium. Semiconductors, also referred as Micro Chips or Integrated Circuits, are tiny fragments of Silicon and related raw materials altered through doping so that they can sometimes conduct electricity and sometimes not. Doping entails the addition of small amounts of impurities to the pure substances with the aim of causing changes in their electric conductivity. Micro Chips use a binary language that only recognizes 0s and 1s thus allowing them to be used as electric switches . Semiconductors are used in the manufacture of various electronic devices such a

How Punitive tax measures has hurt Kenya's Economy

  Photo : KICC, Nairobi Kenya Kenya's economy is towering the brink of total collapse as investors shun the country over punitive tax measures imposed by the government. Kenyans are glaring at tough times ahead, excerbated by increased cost of living, amidst a raging inflation that has seen the weakening of the Kenya Shilling against the US Dollar. Kenya's inflation Consumer Price Index (CPI) is at around 135.32 points. CPI is derived from the change in the prices of a basket of goods and services that are normally bought by specific household groups. Is Kenya really doing well economically? The question as to whether Kenya is doing well economically is a rhetorical one as the apparent answer is a capital NO . President William Ruto's regime developed an insatiable tax appetite that has left a majority of the country's populace seeking alternative ways to earn a living devoid of the government watch. A recent report indicating that most Kenyans are spending more time o

14 Facts that make Singapore a unique Country in the World

  Singapore is a country that was reclaimed from water but stands out as an economic hub rocking the entire South East Asia. The country came into existence after it was expelled from being part of Malaysia on 9 th August 1965. Modern buildings, rapid development and economic prowess enables Singapore to stand tall among many countries across the World.  Apart from the main Island, Singapore has 63 different Islands.  What makes Singapore a unique Country Singapore is among the 20 smallest countries in the world. The main road traversing the country is 42km long and 23 km wide. The country's landmass is around 683km 2 . Singapore is the only country globally, that set a maximum limit for all buildings at 280m. OUB Centre, UOB Plaza and Republic Plaza were constructed to attain the maximum regulated limit.  However, Tanjong Pagar Center was granted special permission in 2016 and surpassed the limit to be 290m high. The national language in Singapore is Malay. English, Chinese, Mala

Greenhouse gas effect and who debunked Climate Change mystery

    Photo source : NASA Climate Kids The advent of the industrial revolution saw a surge in greenhouse gas emmisions. Greenhouse effect is sparked when long infrared radiation is absorbed and re-radiated by greenhouse gases. Planet Earth is now warming faster than any other time in recorded history.  Higher temperatures over a certain period of time are altering weather patterns and disrupting the normal balance of nature. How greenhouse gases cause global warming Greenhouse gas emissions occur when combustion of fossil fuels such as coal, oil and gas release carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. As greenhouse gas emissions cover the Earth, they trap the sun's heat and prevent it from escaping to the space. This leads to global warming and climate change.  NASA climate kids observed that too much greenhouse gases cause the Earth's atmosphere to trap more heat that it causes it to warm up. Causes of Climate Change According to UN report , combustion of fossil fuels accounts to over

Inside Kenya's plan to woo Silicon Valley innovators

  Photo : Silicon Valley data center Kenya President William Ruto travelled to Silicon Valley in the USA in a plan to woo innovators into investing in Kenya. Ruto tours Silicon Valley President Ruto's USA tour come weeks after he issued a charter to the Open University of Kenya (OUK). OUK programmes are tailored to be delivered virtually. The University is located at Konza City, which offers technologically geared courses to spur rapid tech-related innovations in varied disciplines. Ruto seeks to connect the Silicon Savannah to the Silicon Valley in the United States of America. Tech Giants such as Microsoft, Google and Apple are set to heavily invest in the Konza Technopolis City after Ruto's tour. President Ruto accompanied by US ambassador to Kenya Meg Whitman met Apple CEO Tim Cook, Intel's Pat Gelsinger and Google CFO Ruth Porat. "Kenya is your gateway to the Silicon Savannah, to the East African Community, the most integrated regional market of 500 million, an