IBM Quantum has announced the introduction of the first-ever developer certification to programming in quantum computers. Quantum computing was introduced to help solve complex computer problems, faster.
IBM announced its launch on Monday and revealed the existence of an open source quantum software development kit dubbed as Qiskit, to enable quantum program in developing programs tailored to run on quantum computers.
The Company predicted the surging demand for quantum programming with statistical estimates projecting a $65 billion investment in the industry by the year 2030. The new demand for quantum jobs has given way to the establishment of IBM Quantum Developer Certification.
In the newly established IBM Quantum certification course, developers will earn a certification in programming with Qiskit. The prerequisite knowledge for aspiring quantum programmers will be Python and basic linear algebra.
IBM report indicate that since the launch of Qiskit in 2017, thousands of users have created applications, coded and participated in both live and virtual hackathons, educational opportunities and summer schools to develop a vibrant and open-source public.
The firm has promised to build a robust, distinct and global cloud-based ecosystem for developers in the near future. According to IBM, the certification course will consist of a 60-question certification test that will be availed through the Pearson VUE platform.
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