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How Social Media Group admins Molest Content Creators

A long time world’s richest man Bill Gates, in his earlier assertion, attested that ‘content is the king’. He foresaw how the internet will influence people’s behaviors and the way they conduct businesses. 

In the contemporary setup, content in its quintessence, is the King and has conquered the world and the internet has acted as a catalyst of creating a more informed and powerful society.

The world is on a marathon course to content creation and delivery. Digital marketers, affiliate marketers and bloggers find it hard conveying their message to certain members in Facebook, Whatsapp groups because social media admins either reject or flag off their comments.

Content distribution conduits ought to offer members freedom to convey links to various articles that meet the threshold without bias or ill-will. Sometimes social media group members subscribe to hear varied information across the globe.

Some of the information conveyed might be educative, entertaining, product awareness or informing about an emerging disruptive tech that people ought to know.

Certain Facebook group admins envy articles that precede a chain of comments and likes. Many individuals that were interviewed by Phode News Hub confided how their Facebook group posts that were so interactive with many users had been pulled down.

One of the interviewed persons revealed how he approached one of the Facebook group admin and asked why his post was removed from the wall only to be told that it didn’t meet the Group standard, yet there were several similar posts written by different people.

The persons who were cross-examined were content creators who posted, links to their blogs, on Facebook groups to reach a certain niche. Going by their views, the Facebook groups they were subscribed allow group members to post links to their websites.

One of them had posted, in a Cryptocurrency news Group, a link on his article about how Coinbase is the best cryptocurrency trading platform.

Moderated content is justifiable, but doing so for hidden intentions is uncalled for. Search Engines like Google and Microsoft allow webmasters have their platforms indexed without distortion, enhanced by well-programmed algorithm filtering out unwanted stuff.

In the modern world of tech, most stuff is transacted online thus spurring rapid socio-economic upheaval. People of the 21st century are more informed and enlightened, thus making content promotion to be the most reliable package.

Comparison between Search Engines and Social Medias

When the richest want to own Social Media they have a reason. It’s the new dispensation of power and control. Twitter banned former US President Donald Trump from its platform, when he tried to use it to dispute the 2020 US elections that were won by Joe Biden.

Trump would later on hint about launching his own social media, which came to pass when he formed Truth Social. 

Elon Musk, reportedly world’s richest man, stun the world when he offered a $44bn deal to buy Twitter. He stated that he was doing so to restore the freedom of speech and remove spam bots. 

Going by the experience of a giant social media thrashing the then president of a world super power, Facebook group admins of a platform enjoying a massive following tend to behave like what must be posted should not contradict with their personal beliefs, not knowing that we live in a free world where everyone has the right to say and hear what they are supposed to hear.


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