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The World where the Richest want to migrate to Mars

The space race was triggered almost a century ago, with the plan of moving human beings to Mars happening in the second phase. 

21st century has been in no doubt characterized by rapid techno-economic upheavals. The century replete of utopian thoughts modeled to making life better, with invention of more user-friendly gadgets and attempts to depopulate the ever surging world’s population at an advanced stage.

Why do the rich want to migrate to the mars? Aren’t they out to escape the ever surging world’s population, or are they just being adventurous? Elon Musk has been on record saying that he would one day build a city in the red planet.

Musk, who happens to be the richest man in the world, is a top-notched engineer who has deployed his skills in his SpaceX found space exploration firm. The firm has custom-built several rockets for the space mission.

Will the rich escape the taxing planet world to another one? If they manage, will the other planet have authorities to regulate human activities or will it be kind of a free world.

The population of the world is swelling at a faster rate as land resources remains un-stretched to accommodate new members. The balance between the rate of new born babies and new deaths is disproportionate.

Has any scientist explored any possible way of creating a balance between the birth rate and mortality rate without hurting the existing population?

If the world’s population can reach unprecedented levels, then having some people move and live in extra planet might be the best option that can be done with caution without aching the existing human populace.

The world must certainly have more of NASAs, Musks kind to make the dream of having another set of human beings migrate and live on Mars. 

How Far is Mars from Earth

Mars is located 225 million kilometers away from planet Earth. According to Elon Musk, it would cost around $140,000 per ton, including food, life support and other luggage to be ferried from Earth to Mars.

A trip to Mars and back will take 3 years while the trip to the moon takes 3 days. Reports indicate that currently, “Mars is red, airless and inhospitable to life.”

NASA is hoping to settle the first batch of humans on Mars by 2030. Meanwhile, Musk wants humans to move to Mars to avoid extinction. In 2020 January, Musk outlined a plan to take 1 million people to Mars by the year 2050.

Astronauts have been targeting their movement to the Red Planet owing to its proximity to Earth. Mars is scientifically unique because it has almost the same length of day with that one of Earth. It also has water ice on its surface just similar as Earth. 

“The only way we can save humans is to move, and the only place we can move to is Mars,” Musk claimed. 

Dangers of moving to Mars

NASA reported that the greatest threat to astronauts on their way to Mars is galactic cosmic rays, shortened as GCRs.

GCRs are high energy particles that are in fast motion, nearly the speed of light and provide one of the direct samples of matter outside the solar system. GCRs are mostly protons.

The likelihood of surviving is very low due to harsh climatic conditions that might be unbearable to humans. Getting humans to the Red Planet and maintaining them requires high technology. 



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