A surging technological breakthrough in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and robotic process automation (RPA) has augmented demand for process mining tools. Technology investment has seen a recent enterprise gush, something that was accelerated by the global pandemic.
Process mining refers to the process of discovering, monitoring and improving processes the way they are and not the way they are perceived to be. The procedure involves the extraction of information from event logs that are made available through the updated information systems.
The technology is used to capture activities in robotics that develops visualizations of the end-to-end process through the transformation of data into an event log. The process mining tool is a type of software that is used by organizations to easily capture information from enterprise transaction systems, provide detailed reports of the relevant processes and record information.
Process mining encompasses mining data logs from applications such as CRM and ERP to design an exact model of how business process functions. Sometimes the models can be used to produce RPA programs, commonly referred as robots or bots.
Companies have been able to use process mining to streamline and automate operations through the application of the better practices.
CEO of Bizagi, a business process automation tools provider, Gustavo Gomez was quoted by Venture Beat saying that: “The challenges of 2020 have shifted perspectives back toward efficiency for the sake of business continuity.”
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