Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) announced that Kenyans who fail to file their tax returns will have their KRA PINS deactivated. The numbers of people who fail to submit their returns have been surging in the recent past. This is due to lack of knowledge on how to navigate the online routes of filing tax returns.
Below is a simplified guide on how to file your KRA tax returns without much struggle.
The deadline for filing tax returns is on the 30th June of every year. Failure to submit your tax returns on time attracts a yearly penalty of Kshs. 2000.
How to File KRA Tax Returns on iTax
Visit KRA’s iTax Portal and enter your KRA PIN, password and provide answer to arithmetic sum that is given.
On the returns section, click on File Returns, and then select Income Tax followed by the PAYE option.
Click the returns tab and the last item ITR for employment income
On Section A fill all sections labeled with a red asterisk (*), while on section F fill your Total Employment Income.
Then in Section T, only two sections are necessary section 1.1 and 2.5.
Make sure that the information filled on section M tab regarding the taxable income, tax payable on taxable salary and tax deducted salary rhyme with the information that is in your p9 form.
On section Q, fill the tax paid in advance where applicable.
If successful, a notification will pop up with the text “return slip generated”. You can then download the returns slip, which can either be delivered via print or email.
How to file Tax Returns using p9 form
Tax Employment Income Only
Get a p9 form from your employer.
Visit the website.
Enter your KRA personal identification number (PIN) and password.
Update your details and proceed to the next step.
On the Returns Menu, select ‘FILE RETURNS’ ITR For Employment income Only.
Select the tax obligation (Income Tax-Resident Individual) and click NEXT.
On the provided link click to download the Income Tax Return form.
Then enter your PIN, Type of return, return period FROM, and return period e.g. 01/01/2020 – 31/12/2020).
Go to sheet M and select the employer’s pin from the dropdown menu. Enter the employer’s name, taxable salary, tax payable on taxable salary and the deducted amount.
Go to sheet T ‘Tax Computation’ and enter your personal relief and defined/pension contribution amount.
Then generate the upload file and it will be automatically saved.
If filing for the first time, enter the return period and upload the form using the zip file.
Finally, download the receipt.
How to File Nil Returns
Click on the KRA iTax Portal and log in.
Enter your KRA PIN or user ID and click CONTINUE.
Input your password and then answer the simple arithmetic and click ENTER.
You will see a red menu bar. On it click on the ‘Returns’ icon and a drop-down menu will appear, select the File Nil Returns.
On the ‘Type’ tab fill ‘self’. On the taxpayer pin insert your KRA PIN. On the ‘Tax Obligation’ option insert ‘Income tax resident’ and then submit.
If successful, you will be provided with an e-return acknowledgement receipt.
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