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Speaker Muturi’s Coronation Slammed from his own Region

Photo Source: Citizen TV

The much hyped coronation of National Assembly Speaker Justin Muturi as Mt Kenya spokesperson, after the retirement of President Uhuru Kenyatta, has attracted sharp criticism from his Aembu backyard. 

Aembu residents complain that they have not felt the positive impact of Muturi in the region. They allege that there is no single development that he has ever brought to that region. Embu dwellers complained that the Speaker was being anointed by elders from the agikuyu and meru community, without incorporating the aembu elders. Muturi is from the Aembu ethnic group.

A segment of Murang’a leaders vowed to block Speaker Muturi’s planned coronation, as GEMA elder, at the Agikuyu shrine - Mukurwe wa Nyagathanga. 

Speaker Muturi’s rite of passage was overtly highlighted when Tiati MP William Kamket implored the acting Speaker to explain to Parliament about the whereabouts of Speaker Muturi. 

Muturi was put in ten days cleansing before the official coronation. The former Siakago legislator was closely monitored by a few elders to make sure that he undergoes all the prerequisite processes of ritual purification. 

During ritual purification, he was supposed to observe the following conditions: Not to eat meat within the ten prescribed days, not to leave his home, bath with river water and not to see any woman. Muturi’s servants used to fetch water from the river for him to bath.

In March, Speaker Muturi was endorsed by the Njuri Ncheke to be the Mt Kenya leader. Agriculture Cabinet Secretary Peter Munya stormed the place where the coronation was taking place. 

Battle for Mt Kenya

Muturi’s coronation happens in the wake of Uhuru’s dwindling popularity in Mt Kenya as a result of Jubilee’s loss in Juja parliamentary by-election. Deputy President William Ruto has made serious political forays in Central region to the chagrin of President Uhuru Kenyatta.

It is a wait-to-see if Muturi’s coronation would reverse the significant mileage made by Ruto and allies. Gatundu South law maker Moses Kuria emerged to confirm that he was the next de facto Mt Kenya Kingpin after his candidate trounced the State sponsored one.

Kuria once alleged in a comedy show that he was the existing owner of a pair of shoes that belonged to the founding father Jomo Kenyatta.  The firebrand Gatundu South lawmaker has on numerous occasions announced that he would contest for presidency.


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