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SEO Fundamentals: The Magic to Increased Organic Web Traffic


Photo: SEO tools
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has changed the life of many people and brought to the limelight many businesses that were almost fading away. SEO takes merit of millions of users who use search engines on a daily basis.
SEO is the key to online accomplishment. SEO enables the optimization of websites for search engines’ recognition and ranking. Huge website traffic attracts more customers, which in the long run leads to increased revenue generation.
Search engines are mostly used as a knowledge tool, shopping tool, entertainment and leisure. Currently, most people depend on search engines for almost everything.
The main goal of search engine optimization is to provide Google with the correct signals so that during ranking, the search algorithm will select your page and show it on top of the search results.

How Search Engines Execute their work?

Search engines, including Google, have almost all answers to our queries. Search engines are coded in a way that, when the search button is pressed after the submission of your query, they will present a set of concise and quality replies to your questions. 
The process undergoes three stages namely: information discovery, information organization and ranking.
Upon submission of your query, information is organized through the process that is referred as crawling. In this process, the search engine sends its spiders to crawl the web. The spiders identify the titles, keywords and description tags and then consolidate their findings to be served on the web.
The information is then organized through the process referred as indexing. In this process, information identified by the crawlers is organized, sorted and stored for subsequent processing by the search engine algorithms, before presentation to the end-user.
Webpages that don’t appear on search engine indexes, when a query is typed, won’t appear in the search engine results.
The final stage of search engines process is ranking. In this process search engines decide the priority of presenting pages. Highly ranked pages will appear of the first page of the search engine results. The procedure is achieved through the application of search engines ranking algorithms.
Multiple reports indicate that there are over 255 rules that Google ranking algorithm use before making a decision. The decisions made are based on multiple computer and machine learning programs.
Ranking involves analyzing user query in order to comprehend the kind of information a person is looking for. User query is broken down into a number of logical keywords. The advent of Machine Learning helps to associate related keywords.
The second process of ranking is finding matching pages. In this step a page that provides the most satisfactory answer is given precedence. This is the most valuable step for content marketers as it is the key determinant of organic traffic.
Finding matching pages is best achieved with posting a relevant post title, relevant content, quality content on a quality and fast-loading website.

How to Achieve a Fully Optimized Website

Having a fully optimized website enables both crawlers and search engine algorithms have an easier task. Crawlers read the HTML code of a webpage, extract any vital information on it and place it to the index. 
Then, search engine algorithms decide which webpage ranks higher for certain queries. Websites that lessens the burden of crawlers and algorithms rank well in the search results. SEO is fully achieved when a website appears high in terms of search results.
SEO is best achieved through the deployment of three strategies namely: Technical SEO, On-Page SEO and Off-Page SEO.
Technical SEO refers to the process of optimizing the page for crawling and indexing. It has nothing to do with the content of the page.
On-Page SEO refers to the process of letting crawlers understand the meaning and context of your webpage. The stage involves deployment of certain keywords that are useful in ranking.
Off-Page SEO involves various techniques that are deployed to promote your website.


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